🍋 Nutritional value in passion fruit
Passion fruit is a rich source of nutrients and minerals, especially fiber, vitamin C and vitamin A. It is estimated that one purple passion fruit contains:
* Calories: 17 calo
* Fiber: 2 gam
* Vitamin C: 9% giá trị hàng ngày (DV)
* Vitamin A: 8% DV
* Iron: 2% DV
* Kali: 2% DV
🍋 Health benefits of passion fruit
Due to its amazing nutritional profile, passion fruit can offer a variety of health benefits.
3.1. Rich in antioxidants
Antioxidants have the ability to protect the body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells when present in large quantities. Passion fruit contains a lot of antioxidants and is rich in vitamin C, beta carotene (provitamin A) and polyphenols.
* Polyphenols are plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which means they reduce the risk of inflammation and chronic conditions like heart disease.
* Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that you need to get from your daily diet. It supports the immune system and keeps the aging process balanced and healthy.
* Beta carotene (pro-vitamin A) is also an important antioxidant. Your body converts it into vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining good vision. Diets rich in plant-based beta carotene may reduce the risk of several cancers, including prostate, colon, stomach, and breast cancers.
Passion fruit seeds are also high in piceatannol, a polyphenol that improves insulin sensitivity in overweight men and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes when taken as a supplement.
🍋Passion fruit peel reduces inflammation
The high antioxidant content in passion fruit peel can provide powerful anti-inflammatory effects if taken as a supplement. One small study investigated the effects of purple passion fruit peel on asthma symptoms for 4 weeks. The group taking the supplement had a reduction in wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.
In another study in patients with knee osteoarthritis, those who took purple passion fruit peel extract reported less pain and stiffness than those who did not take the supplement.
🍋 Disadvantages to note of passion fruit
Passion fruit is generally safe to eat for most people, but certain people are allergic to this fruit. People who are allergic to latex, the protein found in natural rubber latex, are at the highest risk of a passion fruit allergy.
Purple passion fruit rinds may also contain chemicals called cyanogenic glycosides. They can combine with enzymes to form toxic cyanide and are potentially toxic in large quantities. However, the hard outer skin of passion fruit is rarely eaten and is also generally considered inedible.
🍋 Disadvantages to note of passion fruit
Passion fruit is generally safe to eat for most people, but certain people are allergic to this fruit. People who are allergic to latex – a type of protein
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